Saturday, February 23, 2008

I've Inherited a Book.

Last weekend, my sister casually pulled me aside and handed me this. That's right. A tattered, old, worn copy of "The Rules."

I didn't know whether to be offended or to laugh in her face.

For those who don't know, this book made headlines back in the mid to late-90s. It's all about how to play the "game" of dating, and apparently, by following these so-called "rules," you should be able to land a quality guy.

Did she actually bequeath this to me to imply that I'm a whiny girl who actually accepts Saturday night date invitations after Wednesday (rule #7)? Someone who doesn't get that staring at men or talking too much can be a turn off (rule #3)? Someone who thinks dating married men is acceptable (rule #23)? Puh-LEASE.

I may not remember exactly how the game is played, but I haven't forgotten that if a guy isn't interested enough to plan in advance or make the effort to call, he's just not that into me. I GET IT!!!

Dear sister, just because I'm not married like you (yet - and by choice, mind you!) doesn't mean that I'm a helpless, needy, clingy single girl. I really appreciate your vote of confidence, though. :P

This book is going out with my weekly recycling.

-10-key princess

1 comment:

i'm talking louder said...

Oh - my roommate lived by these rules in college. She's still single, if that says anything.