Sunday, February 10, 2008

*\o/* GO TEAM

JT and I had a conversation a few days ago and somehow landed on the topic of cheerleading. It turns out one of his old classmates authored a book entitled "Sharing the Spirit: for and by cheerleaders, dancers, and coaches."

While the title of the book itself makes me want to stock up and buy a copy for each of my former cheermates, the single review of this book on Amazon is... well, read it yourself, verbatim:

5.0 out of 5 stars A must-read for ALL cheerleaders, dancers, & coaches *\o/*, February 22, 2002
By Erin (Fox Lake, IL)
Wow!!! This book is definately the best thing to come into the spirit industry in a long time! It will surely spark a new revoloution and title the once ditzy cheerleaders and dancers for the true "SPIRIT ATHLETES" they are. It's a great thing to finally recognize the hard work and family togetherness the cheerleaders and dancers strive to maintain. "Sharing the Spirit" is an absolute must-read for all generations of cheerleaders, dancers, and spirit coaches! Cheers and best wishes to all...*\o/*

Now, if you're like JT and I, you're wondering what in the world this is supposed to be. (After all, she uses it twice in her review):

We stared at this for a while and after about three solid minutes of serious contemplation, realized that this was actually sheer genius on Erin's part: a
text-able cheerleader's head with two arms in a high-V holding two pompoms.

Since JT is the coolest ever, he sent me a recent e-mail featuring this masterpiece:

Like you should be, I'm officially in awe.
The base on the left is even holding the flier in a cupie, for crying out loud. Sorry Erin, but I think it's time for you to hereby concede texting prowess circa 2002 and officially bow down to the new master of all cheer texts: Understandbetter's very own JT.

But no need to be too sad, Erin of Fox Lake - the team here is sending cheers and best wishes right back at ya! GO TEAM!!

-10-key princess

1 comment:

i'm talking louder said...

Wow. No other way to say it, but "wow."