lickable Welch'th juith ad found in
People magathine ith deliciouth. Abtholutely deliciouth! Tho what if magathines are pathed along from one perthon to another? Who careth about hygiene? It’th juth...tho tasthy. And yeth
, my tongue got thtuck to the glue from the inthert. Obviouthly. But it thtill tathe tho good!
I can't wait to thee one for pitha. Or how about a thteakhouth? Mmmm - and ithe cream. Lickable adth for ithe cream and other detherts would be thuch a treat to find in a magathine.
JT - you just have to "thtop" that. Now.
I just think about the potential for paper cuts. Don't get one of these inserts close to your eye, JT!
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