Thursday, February 14, 2008

If the Castle is a-rockin' don't come a-knockin'

It's already almost 3:00 and you still haven't made reservations for your Valentine's Day date tonight. You frantically jump on the phone, calling everywhere from your local thai spot to the five-star steakhouse. No dice - everything's booked. What ever will you do?

Fear not, all you romantics out there. White Castle is bringing back their Valentine's Day candlelight dinners at participating restaurants. Seriously.

As the website says, "Bring your significant other, moderately important friend, or a complete stranger for a candlelit, tableside feast." But don't think you can just waltz right in and get a table - they're taking reservations.

And if you're worried about looking cheap in front of your date, think again. Crave cases are expensive, especially if you want cheese on each of your sliders.



i'm talking louder said...

JT - is this what you meant by "scrambling to put a Valentine's Day present together?" If so, your wife is one lucky girl.

I got a bouquet of tulips, a computer-printed card, and an evening alone with the kiddo (hubby went to class). A White Castle dinner would have been nice, actually.


i'm talking louder said...

Unfortunately for me, no - my wife doesn't like sliders.

But if Arby's were to jump on the Valentine's Day bandwagon...


i'm talking louder said...

Arby's 5 for $5? Or are you talking curly fries? Either/or....I think you're onto something!

i'm talking louder said...

The 5 for $5 would definitely seal the deal for me.

How I miss processed "roast beef."


i'm talking louder said...

Wait - it's not real roast beef???