Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The Earth is Round: Part 2

According to the genius writers at MSN (LiveScience.com), the orange incident is just the tip of the iceberg, so to speak:

Your marriage is going to get worse, study says; Couples irritate each other more as they age

And among other obvious headlines today:
- Sometimes a good cry is the best medicine; An occasional dose of tears is often better than muting emotions
- Sad, self-absorbed shoppers spend more; Study: Even a temporary bout of the blues can lead to extravagant buys
- Why incest makes us so squeamish
- Happy? It may help keep you healthy; Those with upbeat moods have lower harmful 'stress' hormones, study says
- Bullying harms kids' mental health
- It's tough being a stepdad, study confirms
- Lonely people more likely to believe in God; Study: Those who feel isolated try to create social connections elsewhere

Wow. If these are the headlines in the news world these days, I think we're on our way to accomplishing every Miss Teen USA's dream: world peace.



i'm talking louder said...

Gotta love the intrepid reporting.

Unintentional comedy is the best - definitely my kind of news.


i'm talking louder said...

Sometimes I wonder who the writers at MSN are. Are they AP rejects? Are they college or worse, high school students? Who comes up with these ridiculous studies?

This is why I tend to just click on the celeb gossip whenever I close out of Hotmail. Much more informative.