According to the article, the Ice Breaker Pacs are small dissolvable pouches with a powdered mint sweetener inside. The police are apparently worried that these packs might desensitize a kid to real drugs, but my question is - why would anyone try to stick one of these up their nose to begin with?
On second thought, maybe the concern is valid. It's only a matter of time before we'll have to show a picture ID in order to buy oregano or confectioner's sugar.
As a mom who has a *little* experience with kids sticking things in places you'd never expect, I think this is actually probably a good call. Can you imagine actually inhaling some of that xylitol? Ouch!
Yeah, that makes sense, but it's not about sticking things in places they shouldn't be stuck in the first place. It's about how the police are worried that this product looks too much like an illegal drug.
If they're so worried, which they obviously are, how do Pixy Stix and Fun Dip get through the candy aisle customs office? And please don't tell me that some Mexicans smuggle them in under their shirts - that's just an image I'd rather not think about.
I just bought a thing of dishwashing detergent and the individual packets look just like this.
Do you think they will go on the recall list too?
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