The way it works is simple. You connect the alarm clock directly into your bank account via the internet. Every time you hit the snooze button, money is withdrawn from your account and donated. To organizations you loathe. Suddenly, snoozing becomes a little more costly than just causing you to skip your daily exfoliation before heading to work. Oversleep 10 minutes? Forty bucks to Al Qaeda. Snooze till one? Cha ching - $300 to the GOP.
I should buy this for my best friend, who's a notorious oversleeper. And I could set it up to donate to the JT Livelihood Foundation. Hey, don't judge - I too have rent to pay.
$300 to the GOP? Keep hitting that snooze button. But don't oversleep too much. You might risk maxing out that $4,600 donation cap. Not that Huckabee or McCain would complain much at this point.
How does this work, exactly? Can I get my husband to donate to the "SM needs a nanny" fund?
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