Thursday, January 31, 2008


If Billary could enact all of (t)he(i)r campaign proposals, we'd be SOL.

Sorry if I'm asking the obvious, JT, but explain to me how this would hypothetically fly, exactly?

-10-key princess


i'm talking louder said...

On a side note - even Susan Sarandon is "not sure of this woman.",8599,1708248,00.html

That's saying something.

i'm talking louder said...

Wow, talk about some serious mud-slinging. Isn't it just a tad coincidental that this is on the GOP website?

And, if Susan Sarandon isn't sure about Billary, then she might as well concede. Sarandon sways the Alien vote.


i'm talking louder said...

The facts are legit.

What I find interesting is that on today's front page of, there's not a single reference to a democratic nominee. It's all about:

"Pledge . . . to beat John McCain"
"Bush passes the torch to McCain"
"Republicans still divided"
"More McCain Double Talk in CPAC Speech"
"McCain wins nomination, fights for a third Bush term . . . Help us fight back"

Looks like they're doing a bit of mudslinging of their own over there.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like anti-democrat blog, either way, both Democrat and Republican President will spend the SAME amount of money, Democrat will give plenty to social services, welfare and Republican will give tax breaks to big oil, bridges to nowhere, foreign governments, arms for every single fraction in in the end they are not all that different, "Billary" or "Bushwacker", end result is the same, but i still like better when more of the money stays in US rather than crosses the border and flows to another countries, even hostile ones.