Sunday, January 20, 2008

Underwear? Under there. And under there too.

The annual no-pants train ride in Chicago proved successful once again this Saturday. A group of about 30 people rode the CTA in their underwear as part of a nationwide event started by a New York improv group.

No one was hurt in the making of this event, unless you count having a set of bare buns in your face as you sit on the train a form of pain. The best part of this whole story - "according to Chicago city code, as long as certain parts of the body are covered and you're not acting lewd, underwear is acceptable in public places."

Well, if that's the case, I can't wait to go get my next grande White Chocolate Mocha skim no whip at Starbucks in my buttered popcorn boxers.



i'm talking louder said...
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i'm talking louder said...

OK - WHO wears only their boxers in Chicago when the high is 9 degrees? And all in the name of comedy? Wow. They must be REALLY dedicated to their craft.