Saturday, January 19, 2008

A New Way to Find Love

Here's an upside to smoking bans in big cities: smirting.

While McSmokes-a-lot guy might have originally protested any law preventing him from sharing his filth-induced cancer stick with those of us who *prefer* to live past 60, he now has the opportunity to pick up some chicks. And chicks who won't mind his smoking habit, even.

Smoking + flirting = smirting. And yes, there's even a definition for it in wikipedia.

I feel it's my duty, however, to warn unsuspecting single smoker "hot chicks" of this guy:
"Part-time smoker Corey Osterander, a 20-something suburban transplant downing cold ones at Rose's in Lincoln Park, says he's already tried to use the ban to his advantage a few times.

"If I see a hot chick go outside for a smoke, you know, maybe I go out for a smoke, too," he says. "Out there, she's isolated and there's an opportunity to talk to her without her friends around."'

The moral of the story? You might just be eye candy inside the bar, but once you step out into the vulnerable world of the smoked meat market, you're fair game.

Corey and chicks, happy smoking and smirting. And thanks for leaving the rest of us out of it.

-10-key princess

1 comment:

i'm talking louder said...

So this is what the dating world has been reduced to? Sad.

What's even more sad is that after reading the post, I started thinking of all the words I love to combine into new ones. Good times.