Wednesday, October 01, 2008

If You Had To . . .

Election day is less than five weeks away.

With so much commotion going on, particularly with the economy, the issues are being overshadowed by excited media analysts, SNL, he-said-she-said, glasses, and the extortion of the definition of rich.

I've half-heartedly succumbed to the notion that the POTUS is nothing more than a talking head. It's all the people who work at his/her feet who are the ones pulling the strings. While it's in our nation's best interest to elect a public official who will serve our needs and take our country in the direction we believe is correct, I've turned off the TV entirely for the next few hours to just take a good look at their general appearance. After all, a good-looking President is better than an ugly one. Look at past examples from history:

George Washington. A man with perfect curls and a great blush brush. Nice cheekbones.

Woodrow Wilson. No combover necessary! Nice jawline, nice three-piece suit. A refined gentleman.

Dwight D. Eisenhower. Just look at those baby blues. I like Ike.

John F. Kennedy. I'll be the first to admit, he was probably our best-looking President to date. Look at those perfect teeth! I wonder if he needed braces.

Ronald Reagan. There is a reason he was an actor. He was hot in his earlier days! And he even still looks distinguished here. Look at his 'kerchief. Only classy men know how to pull that off without looking like a sugadaddy.

I'm curious, now. Which of these pairs do you think look better suited for the Presidency and Vice Presidency? Please comment strictly based on looks alone. Anonymous comments are okay, but it's more fun if you tell me who you are and where you're reading from.

I'll be interested to hear your responses.

-10-key princess

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