The Harper Family of Lake City, GA, had their bacteria-infested house razed and a mini castle built in its place by the good people at ABC - Extreme Makeover: Home Edition and Beazer Homes (who are amid their own little crisis right now, but that's for another post). Now, it seems they're on the verge of losing it all and going right back to their minivan because of their poor business acumen.
I can't decide whether I feel sorry for them or not. On one hand, theirs was truly a sob story. On the other, well, they're only adding to the "Stupid Americans" stereotype. Hmm... decisions, decisions.
-10-key princess
Well, they didn't just lose a new house, that house was also mortgage free PLUS the show gave them $250,000 in since all that wasn't enough, they had to take $450,000 equity out and blow it all...hardly fits into "sobbing story"...but you are paying for it (well not yet but very soon), price tag on a recent bailout is currently at $300 billion, but real estimates are more around $1.5 trillion...welcome to the socialist style third world is here to stay.
Here is something regarding "Republican style small government"...this is 7th month in the row...
22,000 construction jobs were lost
35,000 manufacturing jobs were lost
17,000 retail trade jobs were lost
24,000 professional and business services jobs were lost
5,000 service providing jobs lost
1,000 leisure and hospitality jobs were added
25,000 government jobs were added
A total of 46,000 goods producing jobs were lost (higher paying jobs), and for the first time this year service sector jobs were lost. Government, the last pace one wants to see jobs, added 25,000 jobs or the service sector would have contracted more.
Yay for small Government.
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