Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Creepy Stuff You Find on Craigslist

So, I was perusing Craigslist tonight and came across this post:


urn/ashes optional (mt prospect)

Reply to: sale-644079100@craigslist.org
Date: 2008-04-16, 12:06AM CDT

I am looking for an urn to use as a unit on death for school. If they have ashes I would like to have a pic of the person that is in there and a brief history of that person

Just a few things I'd like to comment on:
1. Please, please use correct grammar. Put a period after "person." Please.
2. Why did this person feel compelled to post at 12:06 a.m.?
3. "A unit on death for school." WHAT?
4. Are you really interested in the "person that is in there" enough to sit through a lengthy narrative?
5. If you need to ask the general Craigslist-viewing public for an urn with ashes, do you honestly think they're going to trust a complete stranger with the remains of their loved one?
6. Seriously, this is so creepy, I can't go on.

-10-key princess


i'm talking louder said...

That is just creepy.

And I love the commentary, by the way. Especially #1, because proper punctuation is a must. Always.


i'm talking louder said...

Did you e-mail them to get more details? I totally would have. Totally.