Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Still holding out hope

When I was in elementary school, we did this project where we each wrote a note that was then put inside a balloon. The balloon was then filled with helium and released, free to travel the world and choose someone out there to be the recipient of my note.

For all these years, I was sure that my balloon got tangled in some telephone wires or just popped after hitting a tree branch no more than 200 feet from my school, the note torn to shreds by some birds looking to build a new nest. But this story gives me renewed hope. Sure, this girl used a bottle instead of a balloon (wise choice). And yes, she dropped her bottle in the ocean (smart move). But now, 21 years later, her note was found. And the guy who found her bottle got in touch with her. Pretty cool.

Somewhere, my note is out there. And maybe someday, it'll reach its destination. I just hope that when it does, my note wasn't something like this.


1 comment:

i'm talking louder said...

I'm sure I'm not alone when I wish she weren't married! How romantic would THAT have been?