Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Oprah Tickets

As a Chicago transplant, the first question all of our family and friends asked when we moved here was, "Have you seen Oprah yet?"

The answer? No.

I wasn't there when Tom Cruise maniacally jumped on Oprah's pretty leather couches, nor was I there when she gave away Spanx on her Favorite Things show. I didn't even score tickets to see Dr. Oz talk about poop or Nate Berkus share soothing stories about Fernando. And yes, to be clear, I'm somewhat disappointed that even though we live just minutes away, we still haven't had any run-ins with THE Oprah.

My husband just forwarded me this website for a company that calls and calls and calls on your behalf until they get through to the studio, guaranteeing tickets for you and three friends. The service fee for 4 tickets? $999. And that's probably not inclusive of Chicago's already-steep sales tax.

Why didn't I think of that first? Smart entrepreneurs!


1 comment:

i'm talking louder said...

JT and I have decided that this is SO not worth it! OK, maybe it's because we're Chicago natives and just don't get the hype... but please! $1000 to see Oprah? I'd rather go stalk the Emmys any day for a glimpse at her (and Matt Damon).